.. _data: Data ==== .. warning:: Please **do not** download large files during the tutorial or the WIFI network will overload. We will distribute the software and data you need via USB sticks. Download the `fermi-data.tar.gz` tarball from here (TODO), then execute the following commands:: tar zxvf fermi-data.tar.gz cd fermi-data $ du -hs * 637M excercises 554M solutions 637M spacecraft.fits As you can see the `fermi-hero` folder contains a file ``spacecraft.fits`` as well as two folders ``excercises`` and ``solutions``: * ``excercises`` contains the input data files you'll need for the excercises. This is where you can run the analyses yourself by following the instructions given in the various tutorial sections. * ``solutions`` contains all files after you've run the commands. You can use it as a reference or to skip very time-consuming steps by just copying over the relevant file from ``solutions`` to ``excercises`` TODO: give overview table of data sets used in this tutorial. :: $ ls -1 exercises getting_started image lightcurve spectrum